Florida State University is among TORSH’s growing list of clients focused on improving the practice of early intervention providers, and they are the focus of this week’s Client Spotlight. Specifically, we work with The Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center (CEC-RAP) at the university, which falls under the College of Communication and Information.
What’s most exciting about our work with CEC-RAP is that they serve a specific segment of the population, namely children from zero to three years of age with special needs, for whom early intervention can have a life-altering impact.
CEC-RAP focuses on, “the continued expansion of research, personnel preparation, and service delivery through collaboration with interrelated projects.” They serve kids with disabilities, communication disorders and/or multiple risks. CEC-RAP is not our typical client, as they aren’t in the business of training teachers. Rather, they help coach and train service providers such as speech, occupational and physical therapists, and social workers who are not pursuing degrees with Florida State but are already at work in the field. These service providers work with a child’s caregivers to coach them on strategies that will help them support the healthy development of their children. TORSH Talent, our customizable video-based coaching and professional learning platform, is how CEC-RAP is providing targeted coaching and training to providers thereby increasing the quality of the early intervention children and families receive.
Departments of Education and Health as well as individual programs from multiple states across the U.S. contract with CEC-RAP to receive this type of ongoing professional development for their service providers. We are very proud to be affiliated with a program that is doing so much for the youngest members of society. We feel confident that our work with CEC-RAP is changing the lives of these kids with special needs and helping prepare them to become lifelong learners.